Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Facebook Hotel City Tip - No Cheats Here

Having a few but well-decorated rooms is more productive than having plenty of rooms that are not well-decorated. So keep a few rooms in the first few days and decorate them so sleeping time of guests will be faster and coins will come quick.

Save up plenty of coins and make sure you have stand by funds. Don't dry up your coffers. Save for now and you will have plenty of coins to upgrade your hotel.

Add me up at mars.mosqueda@gmail.com so we can be friends in Hotel City

Hotel City on Facebook - Games Cheats, Hints, Codes

There's a new game on Facebook that will surely take you to your seat for hours. I am referring to Hotel City by PlayFish. It's a simple game that challenges users to build a five-star hotel from scratch.

Players have the option to add rooms, amenities, decorations, etc. and earn more bucks to expand the hotel. You can hire friends to work for you so you won't have to shell out cash to hire staff.

This games looks interesting and I am sure to be hooked again with a Facebook game. The last time I got addicted to a game was when I started playing Farm Town. I even started a blog at Farm Town Farmer.

I will post hints and tips here for all you Hotel City lovers